Harnessing the antimicrobial power of Horopito.
At Forest Herbs Research we’re passionate about plants and their amazing health-giving properties. Our mission is to harness the power of this unique antifungal herb and bring you its benefits.
We are the Horopito experts, for over 30 years we’ve been sustainably farming Horopito in the temperate rain forest in Golden Bay, New Zealand. An ancient herb with amazing properties, we’re continually researching how we can utilise the power of Horopito. We oversee every step in the development process – from growing and harvesting to extraction and production - to bring you the highest quality Horopito.
Nature’s herbal healer -
Horopito the hero herb behind it all.
Peter Butler, the founder of Forest Herbs Research Ltd, has dedicated his life to studying and growing Horopito. He is our Horopito hero, championing its benefits and committed to carefully cultivating this amazing native New Zealand herb. Today, Forest Herbs Research is the only sustainable commercial producer of Horopito extract globally.
Sustainably grown and harvested in New Zealand.
We commercially grow Horopito on our farm next to New Zealand’s majestic rainforest in Golden Bay. From seed to plant we use environmentally friendly, sustainable methods for growing, caring, and harvesting our crops. Commercially growing Horopito allows us to maintain New Zealand’s forest ecosystems that wild harvesting does not support.
Unique antimicrobial activity.
Hailing from New Zealand’s majestic rainforests, Horopito has slowly built up its defences to survive in damp dark conditions developing unique antifungal and antimicrobial properties. Today it’s these properties that we harness to bring you the power of Horopito.
Every step of our process ensures that we provide the highest quality and most effective Horopito. Our Horopito extract is independently tested for the key active, polygodial. This extract is used in a range of products including health supplements and personal care products.

It took 65 million years for Horopito to perfect its antifungal defences and 30 years of research to bring you its benefits.
Bringing you the most effective Horopito available.
Contact us for more information about Horopito and our products for the natural health industry.